David & Lauren

May 25, 2025 • Temecula, CA
72 Days To Go!

David & Lauren

May 25, 2025 • Temecula, CA
72 Days To Go!

Our Story

Blind date turned into Forever

Their journey began on May 3rd, 2022. Lauren had been working out at F45 for quite some time and had become friends with a couple of the girls there. One friend, Julia, reached out to Lauren on Easter 2022, asking, "What’s your type, and what age range are you looking for?" Lauren responded, "I usually go for taller guys with brown hair, under 40, as long as he's a good guy." Julia replied, "I think I might have someone for you. He's tall, conservative, and 28." With that, Julia set them up on a double date.

Fortunately, Julia and her boyfriend (now husband) joined them that evening for dinner. Both David and Lauren were quite shy at first, and as the night went on, David hadn’t asked for Lauren’s phone number, which left her feeling discouraged, thinking he might not be interested. But as they were leaving the bar, Lauren decided to take a bold step, which was unlike her in dating situations, and asked, "So, are you going to ask for my number?" David smiled and asked for it.

David then decided to play a bit of hard-to-get, leaving Lauren waiting for two weeks. During that time, she figured the date hadn’t been as great as she initially thought. But it turned out that David was just incredibly busy with work, something Lauren quickly learned about his demanding schedule. Finally, David texted her and asked if she was free on May 24th. Lauren debated whether to play hard-to-get herself or accept his invitation right away. Realizing that David wasn’t interested in playing games and genuinely wanting to see him again, she said she was free after work. He responded, "Perfect, I’ll buy us tickets to the Angels game. I’ll pick you up at 5 pm."

Lauren had never dated someone so straightforward in making plans, and she loved it. They went to the game and had an amazing time, with conversation flowing effortlessly. Lauren began to fall for David.

It wasn’t love at first sight, but more like a gradual walk into love, choosing to take each step along the way.

Lauren vividly remembers August 2022, when David went on a camping trip with friends to Twin Lakes, California. He sent her a video of his best friend asking him to be the Godfather to his first child, Krieger. In that moment, Lauren’s world stood still, and she knew without a doubt that she loved David and that one day he would be the father of her children.

Having a Goddaughter of her own, Lauren understood the immense honor that title holds. Knowing that David’s best friend chose him to be the Godfather to his first child made Lauren realize what she had been quickly learning about David—that he wasn’t too good to be true. He really was the perfect man.

Their love story has flourished over the past two years, and now, a little over three years after they started dating, they will be married.

For those who know Lauren, it’s no secret that she waited a long time and trusted in God's plan for her forever. But now, it’s clear that God had the perfect plan all along and brought David into her life at exactly the right time when she was ready to receive the abundant love he shows.

The Perfect Surprise Engagement (Lauren's perspective)

May 19, 2024. Dave completely caught me off guard by letting me think that the Sunday lunch plan was entirely my idea. He even let me make reservations (knowing full well we wouldn’t keep them because he had other plans) and had me convinced that I’d planned a casual day in Laguna.

As we headed toward Laguna to go “shopping,” Dave suggested we put our feet in the sand first since he knows how much I love the beach. He then asked which beach we should go to. I mentioned a few options, and he said, “What about that table something?” I immediately replied, “Table Rock?” He said, “Perfect, let’s go there.” I began giving him directions, not knowing he already knew exactly where we were going. As we walked down to the sand, I noticed he was getting very quiet.

We made it to the beach, and as we strolled along the shore, a photographer approached us, complimenting our outfits and asking if he could take our photo. We agreed, and Dave whispered in my ear, “I have no idea what this guy is doing.” At that moment, I knew Dave had orchestrated everything, and the proposal was about to happen. I couldn’t say YES fast enough!

We got professional photos taken, and as we walked back to the car, I couldn’t wait to FaceTime my friends and family. But Dave stopped me and said, “You’re going to see everyone soon—there are two more surprises.” I couldn’t believe he had more planned!

We headed toward Newport, and when we arrived at the Duffy dock, I got excited, thinking we were about to take a Duffy ride (which, if you know me, you know I love a Duffy). But when we showed up, all my friends and our siblings were standing on a YACHT! Dave had rented a YACHT for us to celebrate with all our loved ones! WHAT?! It was the most special and thoughtful surprise! All of my girlfriends (now bridesmaids) had beautifully decorated the yacht with touches that reflected Dave and me throughout the boat.

It was an incredibly special day that I will never get over. I’m still on cloud 9.